School Bus Central
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Thank Yous

So many people have helped me create School Bus Central, but the people I listed below have helped tremendously in the making of this website...
Mike (The BusBoy): Through so many conversations with Mike, I have learned a lot about school buses of all types. Mike has also been an awesome "Microsoft Midtown Madness 2" driver with me... crusing around in a Blue Bird All American FE. Mike has always been a very good "Website coach" to mee too... giving me many tips.
Steven Rosenow (Gillig) ;-): Steven is a very great "Bus buddy" to me, always teaching me something about Gilligs... or even traffic signals. Through his expertise, he has also helped me about web site building and design, which led to this current design, Version 3.0!
Katrina Falk: Trina has always been a wonderful person, especially with her teaching of Crowns to me. Also, Trina has been a big help in the design of this site.
The Viewers: You have truly been my biggest inspiration!!! Receiving so many nice e-mails and messages really makes me go on with this site. Thanks so much to all of you!

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